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Saturday, 29 November 2014

Some Diseases Signs Colic, in Infants

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Crying is a baby's first communication done. Through crying baby also revealed himself to feel hungry or physical pain. It is normal in babies.

However, what if suddenly the baby continues to cry too much? This could be the baby has colic. Colic is a fairly severe abdominal pain in infants.

Pediatrician, Muhammad Juffrie said, infants with colic difficult silenced when crying despite being entertained or soothed by her parents.

"The sign is the baby crying can be more than three hours," said Juffrie in the discussion "The Importance of Digestive Health in Infants" at JW Marriott Hotel, Jakarta, Tuesday (11/25/2014).

Generally affects newborns up to 4 months old. Babies will cry with a high pitch of at least 3 days a week.

These events often make the mother panicked because the baby was crying until flushed face, frown, legs pulled up the stomach, and hands clenched. Cried period usually occurs at night. As a result, patterns of sleep will be disturbed.

The cause of colic is not known for sure. However, some hypotheses say that the cause of colic include food intolerance, allergy to cow's milk protein, and low lactase activity.

Juffrie say, colic just dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract in infants who are not yet perfect. Can colic often disappear on its own. According to him, the baby should not be given painkillers when experiencing colic.

"The baby was complications more. So be careful when giving medicine to babies," said Juffrie.

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